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Do you find yourself unmotivated, lethargic, fatigued? Gaining or losing unwanted weight? Having trouble sleeping at night, yet, dragging throughout the day?
There could be many factors that may be affecting this — but it all starts with your lifestyle, your diet, and your habits. The majority of this is self-inflicted. Some aspects may be organic (a medical deficiency — see Testosterone Therapy), but most cases can be prevented. Keep reading if you are ready to make a change and find your better you!
There are many myths about plant based diet. Many of these can be debunked by simply doing your own research. Many of the useful articles presented here can be found at https://lifestylemedicine.org/project/patient-resources/ .
A plant based diet is one of the most heart healthy diets on the planet and studies have shown that it helps both existing and preventing erectile dysfunction. This diet emphasizes olive oil, nuts, whole grains, fruits and vegetables while eliminating meat consumption.
Saturated fats decrease blood flow to your organs, including the heart and the penis, by forming plaques within the blood vessels and stiffening the vessels themselves. Stiff vessels have difficulty expanding to allow blood flow into the penis and, thus, can result in erectile dysfunction. Consumption of fruits and vegetables have been shown to decrease coronary heart disease and plaque formation by 20%. Intake of nuts counter the effects of saturated fats and help prevent plaque formation. It also stimulates release of arginine, which is a building block of nitric oxide that is needed to induce an erection.
Additionally, olive oil has heart protective properties and has been shown to improve brain function. Moderate red wine has been shown to increase HDL (good cholesterol), which is a potent stimulator of nitric oxide.
Just remember, as the heart goes, goes the penis, and a plant based diet may prolong or improve the life of both.